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Love for Sports - Interest in People


We do what we love: skiing and snowboarding. This passion we want to make tangible for our participants.

Only together we can achieve the optimum and develop our skills. We learn from the participants, the participants learn from us.

Our team consists of more than 100 highly educated and experienced ski and snowboard instructors who will support you on your way.


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Martin Dolezal

CEO Snowsports GmbH / President WSSV 

Martin Dolezal has been a skier since he was three years old. Even then he discovered his enthusiasm for the element "snow", which from then on has been a central theme in his life: whether in the winter sports industry, in the management of sports and leisure facilities or in the education
 of ski and snowboard instructors: His primary goal in professional tasks is always to share his passion for snow with people all over the world.

  • Visionary and strategist for the Snowsports Academy

  • Creative thinker

  • Leader for more than 25 years

Email: martin.dolezal@snowsports.at


Johann Reisenberger

COO Snowsports GmbH / Executive Board WSSV

Johann Reisenberger knows the Snowsports Academy like no other. He joined the team more than 10 years ago and has educated numerous ski instructors. Today he runs the Academy, organizes the courses, coordinates the team of instructors and supports the participants in learning this wonderful profession. He manages the operational business - but can also be found on the slopes from time to time.

Email: johann.reisenberger@snowsports.at

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Lukas Joichl, Snowsports Academy
Lukas Joichl, Snowsports Academy

Lukas Joichl

Project Manager Snowsports GmbH

There's only one thing Lukas loves more than skiing: teaching others the sport. In combination with his comprehensive economic competence, he is responsible for the organization, development and implementation of various winter sports projects. You meet Lukas at trade fairs, congresses and other events, but he also makes sure that the courses are an unforgettable experience for the participants.

Email: lukas.joichl@snowsports.at


Wolfgang Heinzl

Promotion Snowsports GmbH / Executive Board WSSV 

The ski instructor, head of the ski school, vice president of the Vienna Ski Association, educated sports teacher and geographer, can be found wherever snow sports projects are being developed. You can find him on the slopes for 15 years teaching beginners to training young racers, educating ski instructors as well as snowboarding. True to his motto "keep it simple", he is the calming influence in the team and has been an important part of the board of the Snowsports Academy for many years.

Email: wolfgang.heinzl@snowsports.at

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WSSV Membership Administration

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Cordula Payer

Membership Administration

Email: member@snowsports.at


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Edwin Abels

CEO Snowsports Academy NL

Email: info@snowsportsacademy.com

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Alan Luybe

CEO Snowsports Academy NL

Email: alan@snowsportsacademy.com


Martin Obermayr, Insight Snowsports Magazine
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Martin Obermayr


Email: m_obermayr@hotmail.com


Altorf Brian
Aigner Christian
Aigner Thomas
Arens Dennis
Baumgartner Stefan
Becker Jochen
Bernards Jamie
Bickel Alois
Biribauer Colin
Bogenreiter Nadine
Bycroft Joseph
De Bruin Matthijs
De Geus Lucas
De Groot Thomas
Deekens Gerke

Dolezal Lukas
Feltham Lawrence
Foit Anne-Kristin

Gal Yannick
Göschlberger Thomas
Gratz Manuel
Gassner Andreas
Gee Edward

Gruber Lukas
Hackl Markus
Heezius Tom
Heinzl Wolfgang
Hoens Maurijn
Hofer Florian
Ildena Lauma
Joichl Lukas

Kuit Wouter
Leppers Wouter
Lindner Andreas
Long Anthony
Monshouwer Casper
Neuweg Günter
Östman Gabriel
Pessl Christian
Plamoser Markus
Posch Florian
Puchegger Roman
Purkrabek Christoph
Putz Andreas
Reisenberger Johann

Reiter Andreas
Schabus Anna
Scurovcev Susi
Schoof Joep
Schuijtemaker Tomas
Schwarzer Anita
Sillevis Roderik

Schrijnemakers Leroy
Seale Jonathan
Spraiter Ralf

Stanzel Martin
Strauß Michael

Tatschl Maria
Thomann Alexander

Ulz Lisa
Van der Zande Iris
van Kuijk Bodhi
van Veenendaal Pascal
Walter Margit
Wiersma Max
Witt-Döring Paul
Simon Kathrin


Bakker Alwin
Boermeester Youri
Bonsall Richa
Brouwer Dirk
Challis Chevy
De Wild Rens

Dolezal Lukas
Eykmans Bart
Holzmeier Michael
Huisman Kenneth
Karacsonyi Klemens
Kiekens Lukas

Kostner Milo
Lovasz Laura
Maurer Martin
Pethö Balasz
Piek Nico
Sonneveld Ben
Steiner Maria

Stolk Tjitte
Tomaschek Daniel
van der Eijk Sander
Van der Hoorn Martine
Van der Horst Niek
Van der Wal Christel
van Gutte Renaat
Van Komen Maarten
Van Laarhoven Stef
Wallner Stefan

Alpine Course



Gabl Gregor
Tatschl Horst
Becker Jochen
Brugger Patrick
Ernst Ulrich
Aberer Martin

Wartusch Christian

Filzer Markus

Riepl Christian

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